Thursday, April 29, 2010

Halter training

I have the smartest Alpacas ever!!
Zulu and Purvis both had their first experience w/ a halter and lead rope on Sunday when my Dad was here to help. I haven't been able to catch them again since by myself so tonight my friend Terry helped me and we put halters on them again and they were so good! I am so proud of them.
We even tied Zulu for a little while and he was a champ.
It was a good training session :)
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Thursday April 29th

this morning, Purvis ALMOST ate out of my hand!!  how exciting is that?!?!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Night

this evening, the boys started humming to me, so I hummed music from the Sound of Music back to them.  They looked at me like I was crazy!

Tuesday afternoon

well, Zulu (the light fawn/whitish alpaca) is definitely the BOSS!  this morning when i fed them, he wouldn't let anyone else eat out of the bowl with him!  before, they would all eat out of the same 2 bowls, then move down the line and eat out of the next ones, and so on until the food is all gone.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Another view of Susans new boys

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Susans Alpacas

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Zulu and Levi checking each other out

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Monday Morning update

Sunday afternoon, my dad came out and we put halter on 3 of the boys for the first time.  They did NOT like that at all!!  the white boy, Zulu, seems like the leader of the pack so far, so we put the halter on him first.  I didn't get any pictures, since I was helping, but soon, I will try to get pictures of them with their halters on.
Both of the black boys got to try out the halters too.
all of them jumped and did flips the first few minutes, but gradually settled down and we were able to rub them all over, and just fool with them a little bit.

My  niece came to see them, and of course she fell in love at first sight!

This morning, Levi got to meet the boys for the first time, and all went well.  Unfortunately, I wasn't smart enough to take my phone to the barn this morning to get pictures....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Checking out the new kids @ the barn

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Hey good lookin

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Hanging out

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First breakfast

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Cool dude

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Traveling home

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More waiting to be sheared

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More of the chosen few

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The chosen ones prior to shearing

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Briar Peek enjoying our road trip

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All packed and ready to roll

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Alpaca Adventures Road trip

Friday, April 23 2010  My friend Susan Peek, her husband Skip, and I traveled to Magical Farms in Ohio to choose our boys.
It was quite an overwhelming experience!  They had the boys in a pen for us to choose the ones we wanted, of course, we wanted them all!
In the end, I came home with 5, Susan with 6

We got up early on Saturday morning, and had all 11 Alpacas sheared before we started the long trip to KY.  The boys all did great, and are now happy in their new homes.

Let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!